I’ve been testing some shading options and working on the 3D aspects of XNA that I have been needing to learn. One of the problems is that I have 3DStudioMax, but it is only on a machine I don’t use as much. I’ve been contemplating moving the license, but that has issues. I’ve used Blender in the past and have enough knowledge to be dangerous to myself, but went back to it as I have not been able to use Max when I need it. So, this was as much a Blender session as an XNA lighting session.
I’m using Reimer Grootjan’s book XNA 2.0 Game Programming Recipes
The section I used was on directional lighting on page 514. It shows how to get the BasicEffect to work with a directional light.
My code looked like this when I was done.
effect.LightingEnabled = true;With, specPower and light0Pos set at the top of the class definition.
effect.DirectionalLight0.Direction = light0Pos;
effect.DirectionalLight0.DiffuseColor = Color.White.ToVector3();
effect.DirectionalLight0.Enabled = true;
effect.PreferPerPixelLighting = false;
effect.DirectionalLight0.SpecularColor = Color.White.ToVector3();
effect.SpecularPower = specPower;
Vector3 light0Pos = new Vector3(-0.5f, -1.0f, 0.0f);After weeks of procrastination and thinking I was going to have to create a custom shader it was nice to find out that adding a directional light was very simple. One of the games I was going to do requires a spotlight and I do think that will require a custom shader so it's off the list until I get some extra time.
float specPower = 64;
So, first up with Blender. I’m trying to display a gemstone. I created a isosphere then scaled and stretched it to look like a gem stone. Then I added a red texture. You can see that I set the Col (Color), Spe (Specular Color) and the Mir (Mirror Color) for the gem.
This was fine, except that the gem came out all smooth.
I know from experience that this is caused by the rendering system using vertex normals to draw the individual triangles of the gem as smoothly as possible. This is almost always the case. But for a gemstone, you want it to have facets. I spent a ton of time trying to figure out how to get blender to remove the vertex normals and only use surface normals.
This ended up being easy inside of blender, but took a while to figure out how to get this information into the direct X file. To do this in blender, you select the object in edit mode, then click the Set Smooth button to use vertex normals for rendering and Set Solid to use surface normals for rendering.Easy and you can see the two rendered versions here.
That’s all well and good in Blender rendering, but XNA kept displaying the gem as a smooth surface. After tons of fiddling, I noticed one of the options on the Blender DirectX exporter was “no smooth”. The tool tip says exactly what I wanted to hear “Every vertex has the face normal, no smoothing”.
Once I exported with that setting everything worked.

Getting back to Blender, I found it really hard to learn, and hard to relearn, but for the price (Free) it really is an amazing tool. I have a book on it that I've barely touched called Introducing Character Animation with Blender by Tony Mullen
My real problem with Blender came in the classes I was teaching on Torque last year and the fact that we could never get the bone systems to work properly. It seemed that 3DSMax was the only real way to do modeling for Torque. Maybe that has changed?
I did find this great reference image on the Blender hotkeys (http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/File:BlenderHotkeysObjectMode.png. If you are going to use Blender, you are going to want to learn as many as possible. It really is a fast fast tool once you get to know the UI. Mostly I only use Space Bar, B (box select), A (select/deselect all), S (scale), R (rotate X,Y,Z).