Monday, April 16, 2007

Game Development or Game Playing

Not all game development is without it's fun side. One of the main reasons I'm into game development as a hobby is that I've loved to play games since I was a kid. It all started with that pong game my dad bought when I was about 9. The console wars have been going on ever since.

My current console is a ps2 which I have not played in a while. I was playing a lot of game boy until I gave it away to an orphanage in Africa when we were on a mission trip. I do miss it, but those kids really loved it a lot more that I ever would.

My current game is World Of Warcraft (Character Ironwood, Realm: Duskwood) One of the most addictive games I have played. Probably the most addictive for me since I got to 67% complete on GTA III, Vice City and San Andreas. Anyone who has played those knows 67% complete is too much fun time and not a lot of TV. I'm not sure where I stand in WoW, but I'm sure it's only in the 20% range at level 31. Lately I've slowed my progress and have been working on my Leather Making and Cooking skills. The game is very open ended and has a lot of ways to play. My only complaint is that I'm a bit bored with the same monsters over and over and over with a slightly different skin or model, but it's still a lot of fun.

With 8 million subscribers and still growing don't take my word for it, this is a fun game. Don't start if you don't have some time to waste. I started in January and three months later I'm finally starting to get a little bored with it. I'll probably drop my subscription in June if my usual game life cycle runs it's couse. A very fun game.

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