Monday, July 21, 2008

Second Life Physics Scripting - Pinball #16 - Flipper rotations using Quaternions

I messed around a little bit with the flipper when "test" table was tilted and got a little frustrated. I thought to myself, this would be a lot easier if this system had Quaternions instead of just a simple llEuler2Rot function. I went to look for a solution and sure enough, this is exactly what the Linden's did originally. The lslwiki even has a special page for it.

Quaternions may sound scary, but they are really very simple. You create a unit vector (a vector of length=1) and the quaternion is a rotation around that vector. Pretty simple for a scary sounding word.

Oh, and after some more digging and using the make_quaternion function listed on the lslwiki, I found the note that this is exactly the same as the llAxisAngle2Rot function included in Second Life. Exactly what I was looking for and named a lot less scary that quaternion.

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