When I went to launch a script in VisualStudio it complained there wasn't a .sln file so I had to figure it out again. I'm leaving myself this post so I don't have to figure it out again.
You select Assets/Import Package/Custom Package...
Then you navigate to the location where the VisualStudio Tools for Unity were installed (http://unityvs.com/). I installed them in the default location C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Unity\2013. The debug only works well with VisualStudioPro and I have no idea how I'm going to pay for the pro version once my That's one reason I'm setting this up so I can get the touch code working well before my trial license expires
Choose all the package assets.
Now you will have the Visual Studio Tools menu and you can generate the project files so you don't see the error about not having a .sln file when launching the Unity editor.
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